
At Avon College we attempt to support students in everything they do. The college has a dedicated welfare officer who can offer help and advice on matters as diverse as registering with a GP, finding accommodation, opening a bank account, advice on using public transport and a whole host of other things. However, any member of staff – teaching or administration – will advise you on everyday matters to do with college life or living in London.

Advice on courses

We will endeavour always to make sure you are on the right course. To this end we will provide you with as much information about the course as we possibly can – the course content, how it will be taught and assessed and what qualification it will lead to. It’s important that you select the right course, so that you don’t waste your money or your time. And if it’s important to you, then of course it’s important to us.


After enrolment and registration your first proper introduction to the college will be your induction. You will meet the Principal and some of the college staff. You will be shown around the campus and given all the information you need about your course timetable, what you will be studying and when; what we expect of you and what you can expect from us.

Academic Support

Everybody needs a little bit of extra help sometime, whether it be advice on self-study, access to learning resources or language support. Avon College prides itself on ensuring no student gets left behind. We constantly monitor your progress and if you need support or advice to improve your academic performance we will be there for you. That’s a promise.

Pre-arrival information/airport receive

For many students coming to the UK to study will be the first time they have been away from home and certainly the first time they have been abroad. The college is here to help you every step of the way with information and advice. We will, as a matter of form, send you a pre-arrival information pack. But if you have any queries or concerns or you think that we can help you in some other way, we are but an email or a phone call away. We’re here to help.


If you are looking for accommodation please contact a consultant at Avon College. If you are unsure of room availability, our student welfare officer will be able to assist you and direct you appropriately as per your needs and budgeting requirements. If you would like to make a group booking of between 6-8 students, please contact the College two months in advance so that we can organise group accommodation for them.

Guidance Counselling

Some students might experience cultural difficulties or personal problems when coming to London. At Avon College we provide students with guidance counselling to help them adapt and deal with life in London. Avon College also assists them with budgeting services where students can come for help to manage their finances.

Assisting with guidance to VISA advice

Even though the College is not a registered solicitor we do provide students with the necessary information to help them apply for visa extensions. If students do not know how to fill out particular documents or schedule appointments for visa extensions, we assist them in doing so.

Discounts to students

There are many discounts that students can qualify for in London. Avon College ensures that all students are well informed about these discounts and also assist them with applying for them. If students need any letters as proof of studies, we generate the necessary paperwork in order for students to reap all the benefits.